Thursday, November 29, 2012

Social Studies Teamwork!

Today we worked in teams to determine which items are "needs" and which are "wants".  Each team had to decide who would be in charge of cutting, pasting, and writing.  The kids were great at working together! All four teams came up with a different way to work together.  Very impressive:)

Thanksgiving Feast 2012

Last Wednesday the first grade classes celebrated Thanksgiving by having a feast together in the small gymnasium.  Students ate turkey sandwiches, bagels, corn chips, popcorn, pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies, and fruit.  Mrs. Judy Russo, our music teacher, taught the first graders a few Thanksgiving themed songs.  The kids did a great job learning the songs! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Look we are doing...

We are learning about story elements.  Here is our anchor chart from our first lesson after reading the book The Relatives Came.  

Working together during indoor recess to finish a puzzle :) 

Here we are working with our Caring Companions in Mrs. O'Brien's fourth grade class.  We are brainstorming ways we can help our Westmere community.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Voting in First Grade

This week we voted for our favorite cookie! Students were able to choose whether they liked a chocolate chip or sugar cookie baked by two of the first grade teachers.  Chocolate chip won!!!